Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sicko and Moore Essay - 2846 Words

Dawli 10 Elias Dawli Wrt ­105 Professor Bollinger December 12, 2010 SiCKo: The Thought ­Provoker Michael Francis Moore is a controversial American filmmaker who has directed numerous documentaries. These documentaries have taken a large spectrum of popular American issues and reduced them to one: capitalism. His most popular cinematic works include Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Capitalism: A Love Story, and most ­notably, SiCKo. With a liberal stance, Moore has documented his own vision on America’s large corporations, such as the Bush administration’s foreign policy, financial crises, and the American healthcare system. Although all of his†¦show more content†¦During Moore’s adventure, the United Dawli 10 States Coast Guard stops and questions Moore and his crewmembers about their destination. Moore cleverly answers, â€Å"We’re not going to Cuba! We’re going to America! It’s American soil† (SiCKo). This voyage is humorous because Moore plays upon the irony that in order for American citizens to receive free quality health care, they must be taken the prison, which houses some of America’s most dangerous criminals. Another example in the film is when Moore â€Å"discovers in a British hospital corridor a â€Å"CASHIER† window, which he pretends to suppose is the hidden flaw in British free health services† (Callenbach 18). However, he soon learns that the â€Å"Cashier† is actually a place where the hospital pays its patients for any costs they may have incurred throughout their stay, such as transportation costs to and from the hospital. Moore compares the fact that people can actually get paid to go to the hospital in England, to America where patients need to pay for their health care, and illustrates this point using humor and sarcasm. As Chapman illustrates, â€Å"Documentary is also recognized as being a very engaged sort of cinema, which means that there are inevitably pressures and sometimes conflicting claims† (Chapman 8). In other words, althoughShow MoreRelatedSicko - Michael Moore Essay1066 Words   |  5 PagesSicko is a 2007 documentary produced, written and directed by the American filmmaker Michael Moore. The film investigates the United States health cares system, focusing primarily on health insurance and the pharmaceutical industry. Moore does not in fact pose questions as to how America should reform its health care however it does suggest many solutions. Michael Moore depicts the American health care system as one that contains many flaws. 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You’d think that Americans would have the beast health care to offer but in hinds sight the complete opposite is true. I will discuss and comment on many of the points presented by Michael Moore in his video documentary. I agree that the state of the United States needs to change. Our insurance companies must change, the treatmentsRead MoreThe Flaws in Americas Health Care System in Sicko by Michael Moore848 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"Sicko,† Michael Moore presents the flaws of America’s health care system that has been in continuous debate for many years. Despite the government’s obligation to help people, there are nearly 46 million Americans without any health care coverage, because they either are not able to support such costs or have been rejected by the health insurance companies. 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